Research Publication

Guo, L., Wu, H. D., Yu, H., & Betke, M. (in press). The emotional power of partisan media: A computer vision analysis of the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries. Mass Communication and Society.

Wu, H. D. (2024). Physiological response to political advertisement: Examining the influence of partisan and issue congruence on attention and emotion. International Journal of Communication, 18, 21. Retrieved from Download

Elasmar, M. G., Wu, H. D., & Groshek, J. (2024). Does world system theory rein in social media? Identifying factors contributing to country mentions on X. International Political Science Review. Download

Wu, H. D., Huang, S., Yu, R. P., & Zhang, Y. (2023). The “populist imbecile” versus the “heartless shrew”: Polarizing election coverage and voters’ evaluation in Taiwan. Newspaper Research Journal, 44(4), 484-503. Download

Wu, H. D. (2023). Post-truth public diplomacy: A detrimental trend of cross-national communication and how open societies address it. Journal of International Communication, 29(1), 20-38. Download

Morante, A., & Wu, H. D. (2023). Assessing China’s news coverage and soft power in Latin America in the wake of the Belt and Road Initiative (2013-2021). International Communication Gazette, 85(1), 80–96. Download

Lee, F., Shaw, P., & Wu, H. D. (2023). News about China in changing media systems: A comparative study of U.S., Taiwan, and Hong Kong newspapers, Mass Communication Research, 156, 1-45. 媒體系統變遷下的中國新聞報導:美國、台灣和香港的比較研究,《新聞學研究》156, 1-45.

Seaton, K., & Wu, H. D. (2023). Making war and peace with emotion: Examining the Iraq and Iran cases via presidential speech and media coverage. International Political Science Review 44(2), 230–243.  Download.

Wu, H. D. (2022). The Images of News Media Perceived by People as Antecedent of News Use. Journalism & Communication Monographs, 24(2), 146-149.

Coleman, R., & Wu, H. D. (2022). Individual differences in affective agenda setting: A cross-sectional analysis of three U.S. presidential elections. Journalism, 23(5), 992–1009.  Download.

Wu, H. D. (2021). Technology’s role in global journalism and communication. In D. V. Dimitrova (Ed.), Global journalism: Understanding world media systems (pp. 29-40). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.  Download.

Wu, H. D. (2020). The impact of language and systemic factors on tweeted countries of the world. Journal of International Communication, 26(2), 171-189. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Guo, L. (2020). Beyond salience transmission: Linking agenda networks between media and voters. Communication Research, 47(7), 1010–1033. Download.

Wu, H. D. (2019). International coverage. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (eds., T. P. Vos, F. Hanusch, D. Dimitrakopoulou, M. Geertsema-Sligh & A. Sehl). Wiley-Blackwell.  Download.

Guo, L., Rohde, J. A., & Wu, H. D. (2018). Who is responsible for Twitter’s echo chamber problem? Evidence from 2016 U.S. election networks. Information, Communication & Society, 1-18. Download.

Lambert, C. A., & Wu, H. D. (2018). Journalists in Taiwan: Marketplace challenges in a free media system. In E. Freedman, R., S. Goodman, & E. Steyn (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Journalistic Beliefs and Actions (pp. 57-68). New York: Routledge. Download.

Meilan, X., & Wu, H. D. (2017). Factoring media use into media system theory — An examination of 14 European nations (2002-2010). International Communication Gazette, 79(5), 533-551. [media system; reader; audience] Download.

Wu, H. D., Groshek, J., & Elasmar, M. (2016). Which countries does the world talk about? An examination of factors that shape country presence on Twitter. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1860–1877. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Lambert, C. A. (2016). Impediments to journalistic ethics: How Taiwan media market obstructs news professional practice. Journal of Media Ethics, 31:1, 35-50. [keywords: market force; journalist; professionalism] Download.

Vigil, T. R., & Wu, H. D. (2015). Facebook users’ engagement and perceived life satisfaction. Media and Communication, 3, 5-16. Download.

Coleman, R., & Wu, H. D. (2015 ). Image and emotion in voter decisions: The affect agenda. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. [keywords: image; emotion; voting; agenda-setting] coleman & wu 2015

Lambert, C. A., & Wu, H. D. (2015). Traditional journalism in transition: Taiwan media professionals construct new work roles. Asia Pacific Media Educator, 24(2), 239-256. Download.

Lambert, C. A., & Wu, H. D. (2014). Influencing forces or mere interview sources? How key constituencies shaped healthcare media discourse. Health Marketing Quarterly, 31(4), 312-325. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Coleman, R. (2014). The affective effect on political judgment: Comparing the influences of candidate attributes and issue congruence. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 91 (3), 530-543. Download.

Zha, W., & Wu, H. D. (2014). The impact of online disruptive ads on users’ comprehension, evaluation of site credibility, and sentiment of intrusiveness. American Communication Journal, 16(2), 15-28. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Lin, E. (2013). The media are ill: The symptoms and solutions of Taiwanese news environment. Taipei, Taiwan: Chuliu Press. <媒體生病了:台灣新聞環境的症狀與因應. 台北: 巨流出版社.> second book cover

Wu, H. D., & Christenson, D. (2013). Comparing Chinese and U.S. media coverage of the global recession: Linking the economy, news, and public expectation. In Media Discourses about Crisis (pp. 7-24). V. Marinescu & S. Branea (Eds.), University of Bucharest Press. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Dahmen, N. S. (2010). Web sponsorship and campaign effects: Assessing the difference between positive and negative Web sites. Journal of Political Marketing, 9(4), 314-329. Download.

Coleman, R., & Wu, H. D. (2010). Proposing emotion as a dimension of affective agenda setting: Separating affect into two components and comparing their second-level effects. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 87(2), 315-327. Download.

Coleman, R., & Wu, H. D. (2010). Television impact: More than words alone. In R. Izard and J. Perkins (Eds.), Lessons from Ground Zero (pp. 89-97). New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Download.

Goidel, K., Procopio, S., Terrell, D., & Wu, H. D. (2010). Sources of economic news and economic expectations. American Politics Research, 38: 1-19. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Coleman, R. (2009). Advancing agenda-setting theory: The comparative strength and new contingent conditions of the two levels of agenda setting effect. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 86(4), 775-789. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Lee, T. (2009). Media, politics, and Asian Americans. New York: Hampton Press. first book cover Download chap 7

Dill, R. K., & Wu, H. D. (2009). Coverage of Katrina in Local, Regional, National Newspapers. Newspaper Research Journal, 30(1), 6–20.

Wu, H. D., & Izard, R. (2008). Representing the total community: Relationships between Asian American staff and Asian American coverage in nine U.S. newspapers. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 85(1), 99-112. Download.

Wu, H. D. (2007). A brave new world for international news? — Exploring the determinants of the coverage of foreign nations on U.S. web sites. International Communication Gazette, 69(5), 539-551. Download.

Coleman, R., & Wu, H. D. (2006). More than words alone: Incorporating broadcasters’ nonverbal communication into the stages of crisis coverage theory – evidence from September 11. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 50(1), 1-17. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Lee, T.-T. (2005). The submissive, the calculated, and the American dream: Coverage of Asian-American political candidates in the 1990s. The Howard Journal of Communications, 16(3), 225-241. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Hamilton, J. M. (2004). US foreign correspondents at the turn of the century: Changes and continuity. International Communication Gazette, 66(6), 517-532. Download.

Wu, H. D., McCracken, M., & Saito, S. (2004). Economic communication in the “lost decade”: News coverage and the Japanese recession. International Communication Gazette, 66(2), 133-149. Download.

Wu, H. D. (2004). The world’s windows to the world: An overview of 44 nations’ international coverage. Chapter in C. Paterson & A. Sreberny (Eds.), International news at the twenty-first century (pp. 95-108). London, UK: John Libbey Press. Download.

Wu, H. D. (2004). Media inequity for developing nations? Chapter in E. Erickson and W. Sloan (Eds.), Contemporary media issues, 2nd edition (pp. 195-207). North Port, AL: Vision Press. Download.

Wu, H. D. (2003). Homogeneity around the world?: Comparing the systemic determinants of international news flow between developed and developing countries. International Communication Gazette, 65(1), 9-24. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Bechtel, A. (2002). Web site use and news topic and type. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 79(1), 73-86. Google Scholar Download.

Shen, F., & Wu, H. D. (2002). Effects of soft-money issue advertisements on candidate evaluation and voting preference: An exploration. Mass Communication & Society, 5(4), 395-410. Download.

Wu, H. D., & Boynton, L. A. (2002). An alternative to the impasse: The grassroots approach to coping with media violence. Journal of Promotion Management, 8(2), 47-61. Download.

Wu, H. D., Sylvester, J., & Hamilton, J. M. (2002). Newspaper provides balance in Palestinian/Israeli reports. Newspaper Research Journal, 23 (2&3), 6-17. Download.

Wu, H. D., Stevenson, R. L., Chen, H., & Güner, Z. N. (2002). The conditioned impact of recession news: A time-series analysis of economic communication in the United States, 1987-1996. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 14(1), 19-36.  Download.

Wu, H. D. (2000). Systemic determinants of international news coverage: A comparison of 38 countries. Journal of Communication, 50(2), 110-130. Download.

Wu, H. D. (1998). Investigating the determinants of international news flow: A meta-analysis. International Communication Gazette, 60(6), 493-512. Download.

Wu, H. D. (1998). Geographic distance and U.S. newspaper coverage of Canada and Mexico. International Communication Gazette, 60(3), 253-263. Download.

Wu, H. D. (1996). An enduring schema: The image of the Chinese in American prime time television dramas. International Communication Gazette, 58(2), 69-86. Download.

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